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Fair Lending

Neighbors Bank is a Fair and Responsible Lender

The purpose of this Fair Lending Statement (“Statement”) is to communicate to consumers that Neighbors Bank treats prospective and existing customers in a fair and equitable manner throughout the entire loan lifecycle. Neighbors Bank promotes the availability of credit to all applicants through fairly and consistently applied lending and servicing policies, procedures, and practices. Neighbors Bank complies with fair lending laws, including the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, as implemented by Regulation B, and the Fair Housing Act.

We will not discriminate against any applicant or borrower in any aspect of the loan origination or servicing process on any basis prohibited by law. It is our policy to comply with both the letter and the spirit of the fair lending laws. Specifically, it is Neighbors Bank’s policy to:

  • Make loan products available to qualified applicants without discrimination on any prohibited basis;
  • Market and advertise loan products in a manner that ensures compliance with fair lending laws;
  • Encourage all prospective applicants to complete and submit a loan application, without regard to any prohibited basis;
  • Offer assistance to, treat, and service customers in a fair and consistent manner in all aspects of lending and servicing;
  • Provide customers with the information necessary to understand product terms and conditions and to make informed decisions;
  • Prior to granting credit, assess a customer’s ability to repay a loan in accordance with its terms, based on one or more reasonable methods appropriate to the type of loan;
  • Make underwriting and pricing decisions based on clear, objective and non-discriminatory underwriting and pricing standards; and
  • Respond promptly to any customer complaints, including those that allege fair lending or fair servicing concerns.

Fair Lending At Neighbors Bank

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion
  • Ethnicity
  • Ancestry or national origin
  • Sex
  • Marital status
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity or expression
  • Disability
  • Family status
  • Genetic information
  • Military status
  • Matriculation
  • Medical condition
  • Order of protection status
  • Personal appearance
  • Place of residence
  • Political affiliation
  • Status as a victim of intra-family offense
  • Age (provided the consumer has the capacity to enter into a binding contract)
  • Source of income, including income derived from any public assistance program
  • The consumer’s exercise, in good faith, of any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act